A letter to you
A letter to you
NOTE: Original date published - Apr 8, 2019
Dear me,
I come today to write about the hardships you will encounter, the obstacles you need to overcome, and to tell you that things will get better. Everyone in their lifetime will have moments when they doubt themselves. When they don’t think they can keep moving forward. I am here to tell you something. That is an illusion created by your subconscious. Every wall can be climbed. Every path can be crossed. Every time you find yourself surrounded by darkness you will find light.
Life is strange. It can be a beautiful thing. A blessing and at times it can kick you down and step all over you. We all face the reality that is life, day in day out. We get a new girlfriend, we get married, we get our dream job, we get an amazing pet or we become parents. With that, we can never prepare ourselves for what could go wrong. A bad breakup, a failed marriage, getting fired, our beloved pet dying, or worse.
When life hits you. It hits you hard. It knows where it hurts and it will keep doing so as long as you live. Does that mean you shouldn’t experience all the wonderful things it can offer? No! It means you should cherish them even more, because we never know when it might be over. Having that balance in life is what makes it worth while. Having the bad with the good is what life is about. It’s about moving forward even when things could not go any worse.
For me it’s about how much life can throw at you and just keep moving forward. It’s about how much shit you can navigate through. Life ain’t easy, but easy is not worth living for. If you aren’t writing your goals down and pursuing them every single waking moment. Then I don’t know what you expect when you look back on your deathbed and think, do I have any regrets? I wanna know that I did everything possible in my power to become who I have always dreamt I would be. Our past does not define us. Our education does not define us. Our failures do not define us!
The more I fail the more I grow, the more I get told Im no good for the position I may be applying for, the harder I will work to be the perfect candidate for it. The more I get told I am dumb, the more I will study. The more negative life throws at me, the more positive I will put out.
Procrastination is a terrible drug. We are all addicted to it. It’s easy passing it off as relaxing or taking a break. Let me tell you. That is a beautiful lie we tell ourselves and others. Procrastination creeps up on you over years. It is something we can’t all recognize. It’s a silent killer. A killer of dreams, a killer of goals and a killer of hope. If you spend more time procrastinating then you do working on your dreams and goals, let me tell you that you cannot get mad at anyone but yourself. It’s a hard habit to break. Almost impossible for some. I can tell you that you have it in you to put your head down and focus. Focus on you. Focus on the hours of the day. Focus on what must be done in order to live that lifestyle you want. If you want it bad enough, then you will find yourself immerse in a routine that will eventually get you there. If you focus on the small pieces and details of what must be done every day. I can assure you, procrastination will have no time to come into your life.
Dwelling on how much time has already been wasted will do you no good. I once heard of this great analogy. Think of your day as a bank. Every morning it deposits $86,400 dollars into your account but it does not carry over. Every night your balance goes down to zero and you loose the money you do not invest in yourself. We all have 86,400 second in a day. What we do with them will determine who we are. The past is history, the future is a mystery and the present is a gift.
If you aren’t uncomfortable you aren’t growing. Take chances. Do more and if you ever feel like you can’t do it. Come back here and read this once more.
Yours faithfully,